The Manna

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One of the greatest sources of crises and conflict in life is identity-based. Knowing who you are as ordained by God is what rescues you from every form of identity crisis.
That you are not something does not mean you are nothing. Everyone is somebody and no one is a nobody. No one is everything so no one should be allowed to make you feel that you are nothing. People get into games of comparison, competition, envy and strife simply because they are yet to know who they are. Knowledge of who you are is what enhances your worth and gives you a sense of value; it defines your glory.
I have yet to find who to envy because I’m not like any other person I’ve ever met. Save yourself from identity crises by simply identifying and appreciating whom and what God has made you to be.
Don’t pride yourself but celebrate who you are. Make yourself of no repute yet, and maintain your esteem. Never be proud but never destroy your ego. You are valuable and district.