How to Gain More in Life by Serving Others

Christian service today is unfortunately characterized by a desire for recognition and a craving for rewards.  But Paul the apostle, a man endowed with a wealth of enduring experience in the work of the ministry presents this revelation of the Holy Spirit.

  For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more (1 Cor. 9:19).

  The gains of life are reserved for those who serve.  The more you serve, the more you gain.  This may sound like a paradox, considering the system of the world.

  The natural tendency for man is to play the boss, but those who play the boss will be reduced to the box.

 You don’t lose anything serving, the scripture above reveals that.  That is what Jesus did as revealed in Phil. 2:7 “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him in the form of a servant…”

 Always seek opportunities to serve.  Make yourself a servant to your wife, children, family, and your large society.

Becoming a servant is a choice.  “Yet have I made myself servant unto all.”  The people you don’t serve, you can’t lead.  Real leaders are practical servants. Every true servant commands followership.

People will first observe your attitude to serve before they accept you as their leader.  Today we have few leaders because we have few servants.

 What does it take to serve?

Genuine service demands sacrifice and sacrifice is responding to an inconvenient demand.    The more you serve, the more you gain.  Only those who stoop to serve will rise to lead.

People who you serve are your stepping stone to higher heights.  The heart to serve people is what gives you a leadership position among them.